Christopher Guest – actor, writer, musician, and Grammy-winning composer – stood solemn in his academic regalia on Friday night as a packed Berklee Performance Center crowd gave him a standing ovation. Looking every part the dignified scholar, Berklee’s newest Honorary Doctorate of Music recipient nodded to the crowd.

Then he raised his hand, made devil’s horns, and got down to business. Guest told a story of a young boy, one who grew up in the Midwest playing his fingers raw on a guitar fashioned from a refrigerator box and tennis racket strings.

“That boy wasn’t me. But he’s doing very well,” Guest said. “He’s not actually a musician. He works at a Tastee Freeze in Cleveland, Ohio. And he’s very bitter. But that’s another story.”

My full review of Christopher Guest’s appearance at Berklee last night is available at Bostonist. I’d never expected to have the chance to hear “Stonehenge” live. Ever.